Wondering where the latest Zelda Comic is? Looks like someone didn’t vote on Buzzcomix today! That’s right, the latest episode is a special bonus for all those who vote! For all you potential naysayers out there, the bonus comic has no bearing on the current storyline, but is rather a spinoff of sorts, existing mostly for voting incentive, but also because I’ve been wanting to make this for a long time, and this is a good medium to do it in. I’ll be making a new bonus episode once a week, thus increasing reader happiness and voter turnout. And all bonus episodes will eventually be on the site (probably inserted into the archives date-wise), so even though voters get to see them long before non-voters, everyone wins in the end! Of course, if you want to be considered a cool guy by your peers, you’d be wise to check them out when they’re initially released.
One more thing: in the future, bonus comics will not take the place of a regular update. Peace out y’all!
This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 1st, 2003 at 11:06 am and is filed under Comics.
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