Episode 171: Wrong on So Many Levels
October 29th, 2003

Episode 171: Wrong on So Many Levels


  1. Luke

    I’m mentally scarred for life…

  2. Byteme

    Well excuse me princess.

  3. Link

    LUKE i am your father…..’s friend’s mother’s son’s grandpa’s daughter’s cousin’s Brother’s(your father) Sister’s……………….. …Screw it We’re nothing!!!! I’m stilled creeped out by this comic……Byteme….i …………………..agree!!!!!!!!!!!!Well, Excuuuuuuuuuse me!Princess!!!!!! ha! Zelda cartoon refrences!!!!

  4. PK_Flashstorm

    I don’t know weither to be horrified or amused by this….

  5. Nintenzero

    Me too

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