Episode 220: The Lighting Took A Helluva Long Time
July 21st, 2004

Episode 220: The Lighting Took A Helluva Long Time

I have tons of stuff to say, but lack the presence of mind to say it (think “I FEEL ASLEEP”). ConnectiCon was friggin’ awesome, like a micro machine. I’m going to San Diego Comic-Con this Thursday, and will be back Saturday night / Sunday morning.

N-Philes has posted the first comic of many in a series I’m making for them. I don’t know if the series has a name yet, but go check it out anyway, it looks promising. I’m not just saying that because it’s mine. Or am I?!?

But yeah, I’m shit-tired right now. I’ll fill in the blanks and cross the T’s and dot the I’s tomorrow after work seeya kthx bye.

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