I…. HAVE UPDATED!!!! Hallelujah! Praise be to God!!!
Quite honestly, I’m ashamed at how long it took me before I finally sat down and finished up this comic. Back in the early days, I would sometimes do two comics a day! Then again, my newer comics are vastly improved over the primitive-looking, craptacular old stuff. But in any case, I finally did another episode, and plan on getting back “into the swing of things” (I don’t know who I’m quoting, but I’m pretty sure some people have said this phrase before me).
What’s next, you ask? Too much to list here! But one big thing you might be interested in is that Aminal Crossing will be updated… eventually! I’m starting almost completely from scratch, making the big switch from mouse-drawn paint tool in Photoshop, to hand-drawn, scanned-into Illustrator. But I’m not all that great with Illustrator, so it may be awhile. But it will happen.
MP3.com put up my newest song! “tempus fugit” is now available for the listening to! Headphones are recommended. ^_^
In case you didn’t notice, Navi glows now, a lá Ocarina of Time. You don’t like it, deal with it.
Separately, I removed the site link to Gamix.org, since they seem to be gone forever or something. It’s a shame too, since they were the first place Zelda Comic was ever listed. I will miss you Gamix; without you, ZC might never have gotten this far.
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