Looks like I won’t have any time to update much beyond my previous one

Looks like I won’t have any time to update much beyond my previous one, but I felt the need to shout out a few things before heading to San Diego Comic-Con:

  • Two people came to ConnectiCon with the intent of stopping by and saying hi to myself. Unfortunately, I wasn’t around when the second person tried to stop by. To whoever that person was, I apologize muchly! I really want to make it up to you! If you didn’t get a copy of the ConnectiCon-exclusive comic flier, I’ll gladly send you a copy.
  • The official ConnectiCon 2004 Note Card Fusion Comic is up and about! If you don’t like ninjas, you can blame this one on Shawn.
  • Speaking of Señor Handyside, he and I are now sworn enemies. The details as to how this came about are unclear, but the fact remains that we are officially rivals, and must act as such. Hey Shawn, I heard tell you suck hard at Smash Bros., so I went and played you, and totally schooled you in the playing of Smash Bros.! You never even saw me coming, what with your elderliness slowing you down to near-molasses speeds!

Nothing else of extreme import comes to mind, so I’ll see you all on Monday, when the next Zelda Comic is released! Booyah Grandma!

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