January 11th, 2009
One of my resolutions was to try and update this news feed-turned-blog more often, so that you guys have something to come back for while you wait for a new comic.
I finally bit the bullet the other day and bought Zelda II for Virtual Console! True, I already owned it for NES, GameCube (via Zelda Collector’s Edition) and a Japanese Famicom Mini cartridge for Game Boy Advance, but the allure of convenience of play on the console that gets powered on the most was ultimately too much to pass up.
Plus, I was able to sort-of pass it off as research for the comic. I couldn’t remember which town was which, and decided I’d have more fun playing through the first few palaces of the game than looking up the information on GameFAQs for ten seconds. I was right! In the end my initial recollection of town names was actually correct, but hey, nothing wrong with a little first-hand confirmation.
Hey Nintendo! Allow us to play Virtual Console and WiiWare games on SD cards already! I need to pick up the other episodes of Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People post-haste.
[archived discussion thread]
This entry was posted on Sunday, January 11th, 2009 at 9:52 am and is filed under News.
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January 17th, 2009 at 6:27 am
Sometime last year, my brother bought Zelda II for my Wii using my stored Wii points. He did this without my permission. If he had asked, I would have told him that I already had it with me on a GameCube disc. So basically he spent $5 on the ability to play using the Wiimote, to save-state at any time, and to avoid fumbling with discs and memory cards. Maybe it was worth it… I haven’t decided. Like you, I also own it for NES. I wish it had optional passwords so I could transfer my save games. ;^)
January 23rd, 2009 at 4:09 am
WOULD YOU HURRY UP I NEED A NEW COMIC ASAP AND I MEAN ASAP. On the other hand I still wish to know where to send my comics for bonus comic since you’ve neglected to answer me on the other blog I thought I’d say some thing on a more recent blog.
April 6th, 2009 at 8:24 am
Lucky for you, they JUST added the SD card feature that you want. Now you can watch all Stong Bad episodes to your heart’s content! =D
April 7th, 2009 at 5:56 pm
I heard! Now I just need to go buy an SD card. ^__^ Still, very exciting, as I can finally redownload deleted games I had removed to save space.
April 8th, 2009 at 3:12 am
Hey mario when you have some free time and are on youtube you should check out Learning the Ways of the Dork Side by usaperson they are hilarious
April 8th, 2009 at 7:22 am
the comics are fraken awsome goofe conned but halarious keep on making those comics kay.
April 8th, 2009 at 7:23 am
hey why did you make the zelda comics?