The Orange Belt

I’m gonna keep this sweet and simple: Zelda Comic now has a new host! Stef and I started a brand new web community called The Orange Belt. Coincidentally, this is also where the forum can now be found. Zelda Comic is now hosted on The Belt’s server, but the domain name is still, so you likely won’t notice many changes on that end.

Well, there is one minor change worthy of note: devolution revolution has its own website now (also with The Orange Belt)! Update your bookmarks to, because it’s not where it was before, and you’d probably rather see something than nothing when you set out to read some devo revo. I know I would.

I wanted to make a comic so as to soften the potential blow of the forum move, but I’m going to a wedding this weekend and will likely not be able to. I say likely because I actually have all my comic resources copied onto the iPod hard drive, so there’s a chance something will get made, though probably not put online until Sunday/Monday. Have a good couple’a days, and enjoy the new forum!

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