Episode 309: Skirting the Law
April 19th, 2010

Episode 309: Skirting the Law

Has everyone been reading Homestuck? I hope for your sakes that the answer is a resounding “yes”! The comic recently finished its first year, and it’s been one hell of a ride. I’ve been picking up the soundtrack albums cobbled together from tunes featured in the frequent cutscenes, and suggest maybe you do likewise. Considering my update schedule, I do hope you’re finding ways to occupy your time between Zelda Comic updates.

Old and obscure references are the best.

[archived discussion thread]


  1. mason k

    this comic is now one of my favorites. my no. 1 favorite is easily 8 bit theater

  2. mason k

    will there be more?

  3. Selith

    need more çôмîçş!

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